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Cassvensi® crafted our Fenomeno™ Hot Flush Tamer supplement specifically to help alleviate two of the most frequent and debilitating physical side effects of menopause – night sweats and hot flushes. Its uniqu
Dreading another sleepless night? Tired of facing another day fraught with unnecessary worry? There’s no question the psychological side effects of menopause can be just as debilitating as the physical ones
Our bedding is made for our community of sophisticated, active, performance-minded women. A Cassvensi™ woman cares where her bedding is from, and so do we. That’s why we favour high-quality over fast fashion and won’t use cheap production methods. Our 100%
Get ready to snuggle into the most silky-soft luxurious pillowcases that will keep you cool throughout the night, thanks to our clever Tencel fabric. Our pillowcases are the best in the UK for night sweats.
Start your day fresh, calm and confident after a great night’s sleep in this silky-soft, cooling Tencel duvet cover. Our covers are made from clever fabric with cooling properties, so there’s no need to compromise if you suffer from hot flushes and night s
If you are looking for the best sheets for night sweats and hot flushes, our fitted sheets are made from clever Tencel and are silky-soft and luxuriously comfortable