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5% Off
5% off minimum orders of £50 for first time customers. Maximum discount £25. Cannot be used with another deal or voucher. Applicable for all brands. Code live between 24/05/2023 - 20/06/2023. Offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time. Offer amount depe
Coupon Code
£5 off orders of at least £60 for first time customers. 21/06/23 - 18/07/23 only. Cannot be used with another deal or voucher. Applicable for all brands. Offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time. Offer amount dependant on product tax status.
Coupon Code
10% Off
Save 10% on HoofBoost for Horses & Ponies. Applicable for pellet and powder forms and all sizes.
18% Off
Save 18% on PURINA Adventuros Dog Treats. Applicable for boar flavour nuggets 90g bag, buffalo flavour sticks 120g bag and venison flavour strips 90g bag only.
15% Off
Buy 2 Save 15% on TermaWorm and TermaFlea. Applicable for all TermaWorm dog and cat variations and all TermaFlea Combo Flea and Tick Spot On Solution variations.
15% Off
Save up to 15% on ReguTum Digestion Care range. 15% off on all dog, cat and rabbit products and 10% off on our new horse variation.
Applicable for all TermaWorm dog and cat variations and all TermaFlea Combo Flea and Tick Spot On Solution variations.
15% Off
Save 15% on Dronspot Spot On Wormer for Cats. Applicable for single pipettes only and all sizes of cat.
Available in a 1kg Tub. HoofBoost™ contains the optimal levels of essential active ingredients which help to nourish the foot, promoting strong, healthy hoof growth. Applicable for horses and ponies.
15% Off
Save 15% on Global Herbs Flyfree for Horses. Applicable for the 1kg tub only.
15% Off
Save 15% on Joint Force. Applicable for entire range including all dog, cat and horse variations.
10% Off
Save 10% on RestAural Ear Cleaner for Cats & Dogs. Applicable for dogs and cats only. Applicable for 60ml, 118ml, 230ml bottles only.
15% Off
Save 15% on Seresto Flea & Tick Control Collar. Applicable for both dog sizes and the cat variation.
28% Off
Save 28% on Gourmet Revelations Mousse Cat Food range. Applicable for the whole range comprising of three flavours: Tuna, Salmon and Chicken. 4 x 57g size only.