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Get two of our popular workplace compliance courses for just £40 - suitable for anyone working with data or online.
20% Off
When you need to buy a lot of courses it can be expensive for your business. At Virtual College we offer 20% off when you buy 10 or more of the same course.
Developing your skills in the workplace can be a real game changer. This package explores a wide range of courses including Confidence Building Skills, Growth Mindset, Time Management, Reflective Practice, Digital Literacy and many more.
Ideal for new starters or as a part of an induction this First Aid and Fire Safety Training package contains two popular health and safety training courses which are both CPD approved.
This RoSPA Assured training package includes two of our most popular courses to meet UK/EU food hygiene training requirements.
Meet Fire Safety Regulations (The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005) by completing this Virtual College Fire Safety for Fire Marshals and Wardens Training Package.
Get two of our most popular courses and meet UK/EU food hygiene training requirements
40% Off
When you need to buy a lot of courses it can be expensive for your business. At Virtual College we offer 40% off when you buy 100 or more of the same course.
30% Off
When you need to buy a lot of courses it can be expensive for your business. At Virtual College we offer 30% off when you buy 50 or more of the same course.
Two of our popular CPD approved health and safety courses in one package - suitable for anyone moving or lifting objects as part of their role.
We know too well the complexities of business complaince. The Business Compliance Essentials Package includes 12 essential courses including GDPR, Cyber Security, and Fire Safety, as well as and over 20 hours of CPD training. Put your mind at ease and save
This ILM assured leadership and management package develops your employees into successful leaders and managers. Including 8 courses from Understanding Yourself to Managing Change, The Role of the Manager, Personal Effectiveness, and Communication to Coach
This is a complete training package for food handlers. With 12 courses, over 20 hours of CPD training, and RoSPA assurance, this package will ensure your team know the fundamentals of food safety, health & safety, and business compliance.
This 12 course package contains over 20 hours of CPD training, is RoSPA assured, and ensures compliance with the latest legislation and guidance. Virtual College online training is easy to manage and accessible anytime, anywhere.
We offer over 15 free online courses in subjects such as Safeguarding Children, Health and Well-Being and Careers Advice.
This 12 course Health and Safety package is designed to for health and safety managers to keep workplaces safe and ensure compliance. Containing over 20 hours of CPD approved training this package is ideal for your staff or for your own personal developmen
10% Off